In partnership with the Commission on Biblical Gender Equality (BGE), denominational leaders and scholars,
we produce resources to help local churches develop a culture that embraces and champions the diverse gifts of women. We create pathways to make access easier to covenant clergy resources (grants, coaching, mentoring) for our sisters. 

How we’re doing it:

  • Supporting and expanding access to preaching camp for covenant women

  • Promoting education and access to denominational resources (grants, cohorts, mentoring / coaching)

In partnership with our ACCW members and denominational leaders, we build a culture of advocacy and inclusion for our local churches to celebrate and embrace the calling of our women pastors. 

How we’re doing it

  • Creating video and printed materials about why advocacy matters and steps we can take

  • Survey women about obstacles they encounter in their local church contexts, and process data to create new goals

We create spaces of connection, healing, rest, and joy for our women clergy. We also create spaces of mutual friendship and partnership for our male and female clergy, working in harmony for the health of our churches and our denomination. 

How we’re doing it

  • Hosting and developing new annual events for Midwinter and Gather

  • Creating an inventory of events and spaces for women clergy in each conference, and supporting new initiatives

We create new resources and materials to help local churches explore and embrace the biblical mandates for women's ordination. We create resources and materials to help local churches develop a culture hospitable to female clergy. We create resources and materials to help leadership teams and pastoral search teams seek qualified pastoral candidates without gender bias. 

How we’re doing it

  • Developing a “search committee” toolkit to help lay leaders identify and combat gender bias in their search process.

We joyfully celebrate the milestones, accomplishments, and achievements of our women clergy. We recognize and celebrate new female ordinands and invite them into a community of support and fellowship for their vocational journey. 

How we’re doing it:

  • Launching a culture of celebration for female ordinands and candidates 

  • Championing the ministerial association awards for women: she leads, she advocates, she preaches.